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- COVID-19 Information -

Training Academy Guidelines for COVID-19 Safety 

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms often include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. The following guidelines from the Division of Fire Safety and the Joint Board of Fire Commissioners are in place to protect all firefighters while on the training grounds. 

• The training academy has a cleaning and sanitizing schedule in place. Signs have been installed to remind visitors of the regulations. Hand Sanitizer Stations are located within the classrooms. 

• All training evolutions shall have a certified Incident Safety Officer to monitor all students frequently communicating and reinforcing safety measures to ensure that the safety protocols are being practiced, and most importantly, to lead by example. 

• All staff and students should have a fever and symptom check evaluation completed each day prior to participating in training. Prior to reporting to the training center, each student shall take their temperature at the firehouse or residence to ensure they do not have a fever as per the guidelines set forth by the CDC. The student shall sign a roster which is to be submitted to the Training Director or Training Instructor BEFORE any training will begin. Upon arrival at the academy, if a student was not able to participate in a wellness check at their respective fire house, a wellness check shall be administered to student to ensure their temperatures are not higher than 100.4 °F (38 °C), as per the CDC’s definition of a fever. 

• Academy Staff and students shall always maintain social distancing. Students should be divided in groups NO MORE THAN eight students per group while maintaining a minimum distance of six feet (6’) apart. Social distancing practices shall further be adhered to during breaks. Academy staff and students should be the only personnel authorized in the designated training areas and classrooms. All others will be strictly prohibited. 

• Academy staff and students are to practice proper hand hygiene by washing their hands frequently with soap and hot water for at least twenty seconds. In addition to soap and hot water, an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol should be utilized. This should be done after touching surfaces and training equipment, as well as before and after utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE). Students should be reminded regularly not to touch their faces whatsoever with unwashed or un-sanitized hands. 

• Devotion to these procedures is mandatory and no deviations will be tolerated. Any student or staff member who is not comfortable with proximity to others should reconsider their participation in any future firefighting training. Similarly, any staff member or student that believes these policies and procedures are not being adhered to shall report this immediately to academy personnel. These procedures are in place for your protection.

General PPE Requirements for Staff and Students


Equipment                                             Required                                     Remarks 

Face covering/ Surgical mask                         Yes                                                       During all aspects of training/testing                                                                                                                                           unless actively utilizing Self Contained

                                                                                                                                         Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) or

                                                                                                                                         during Physical Training (PT).

Gloves                                                                Yes                                                       During all aspects of training/testing

                                                                                                                                         which involve contact with training


Eye protection                                                  Yes                                                        During all aspects of training/testing

                                                                                                                                          outside of the classroom unless

                                                                                                                                          actively utilizing SCBA or during PT



Turnout gear                                                     Yes                                                       During all aspects of training/testing. 

Any questions regarding cancellations can be directed to the Bureau of Fire Safety at (732) 458-4100.

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